
Free puzzle maker online
Free puzzle maker online

free puzzle maker online

REMEDY: Rebooting the computer will resore memory to the browser. Browser is low on memory and the javascript engine has shut down in the browser (usually caused by too many browser tabs open or a badly coded extension that is installed and leaking memory).How come I can only add 10 lines? (2 reasons).You can purchase a premium subscription and no ads will show and you will have access to options in the blue menu. If banner ads are not showing, you are still blocking them. REMEDY 1: Whitelist our site in the ad blocker, refresh page (sometimes a full computer reboot is required) and try again. If you are running an Ad Blocker (like Adblock, Adblock Plus, uBlock, etc), this can break our site and cause the blue menu NOT to show.This restores browser memory and restarts the javascript engine. REMEDY: Reboot your computer and try again. Usually caused by any of the following: too many browser tabs open, too many apps installed (or a poorly coded app installed), or you just haven't rebooted the computer in a long time. Your browser is low on memory and javascript has shut down in the browser.Don't see this blue menu on the left AFTER creating your worksheet? This happens for 2 reasons.At the TOP of this menu click on "Answer KEY" to get the answers. After creating the worksheet, there is a blue menu next to the puzzle/worksheet on the left side of the window.

free puzzle maker online

All of our worksheets have answer sheets.Here are solutions to 95% of the problems people have! Click question to see answer

Free puzzle maker online