
Wowhead full discography
Wowhead full discography

wowhead full discography

I read several reviews around the web and the consensus is just that. ( music doesn't even follow you inside your town hall.I have a feeling that this album will generate a lot of attention once word gets out and fans of heavy prog and prog metal give it a good listen or five. Even doing this once is pain in the you want all the good music in wow just load Audacity punch the REC button, disable sounds, enable music.įor example: I went into Karazhan started to record I was amazed that the real music lasted 10 min with the music roll you get 3 min or so.Īlso your jukebox wont follow you anywhere in wow in the background like windows media so for me the jukebox is quite useless piece of crap to begin with. I have no time nor interest to do this twice.

wowhead full discography

Suggestion for reward: You gain acc-wide: juke box+ music rolls on all alts PePe: Cheap boring, cheap RNG, cheap no new content just old instances.

wowhead full discography

AND I thought I was done with old instances.Īnother boring and useless achievement, no reward.īlizzard=10 sec to program, Player= 4 months to complete. IMPORTANT! You must complete the initial jukebox quest - Grave bombando - to get the music roll items, otherwise you can't even see them!Ĭomentado por pat33Like Pepe that sits on your head achievement. Lista de Músicas: "Mundos Sitiados" - Chance to drop from Mão Negra in Blackrock Foundry.Lista de Músicas: "Alto-mar" - Sold by Provedor Grantley for 500 Comenda do Ponto de Dominação at Lion's Landing.Lista de Músicas: "Coração de Pandária" - Chance to drop from Sha do Medo in Terrace of Endless Spring.Need to be Revered with the Lorewalkers faction. Lista de Músicas: "A Canção de Liu Lang" - Sold by Tan Shin Tiao for 80 gold in Vale of Eternal Blossoms.Lista de Músicas: "Totens de Bocaina Velha" - Handed over by Remilton Brode in Grizzly Hills.Lista de Músicas: "A Ira do Lich Rei" - Chance to drop from Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas.Lista de Músicas: "Invencível" - Chance to drop from O Lich Rei in Icecrown Citadel.Lista de Músicas: "O Torneio Argênteo" - Sold by Argent Tournament quartermasters for 25 Selo do Campeão in Icecrown.Lista de Músicas: "Montanhas do Trovão" - Chance to drop from Loken in Halls of Lightning.Lista de Músicas: "A Legião Ardente" - Chance to drop from Illidan Tempesfúria in the Black Temple.Lista de Músicas: "O Templo Negro" - Looted from Estojo de Pergaminhos do Guardião in Warden's Cage through the first portcullis.Lista de Músicas: "Angelical" - Looted from Baú do Tesouro da Arena in the Gurubashi Arena, Cape of Stranglethorn.Lista de Músicas: "Ópera de Karazhan" - Chance to drop from the Opera encounter in Karazhan.Lista de Músicas: "Fantasma" - Handed over by Compositor Melancólico in the Raven Hill Cemetery in Duskwood.Rolo de Música: Carrossel de Negraluna - Sold by Clóvis for 90 Cupom Premiado de Negraluna during the Darkmoon Faire.Lista de Músicas: "Lendas de Azeroth" - Chance to drop from Nefarian in Blackwing Descent.Lista de Músicas: "Vila da Gambiarra" - Chance to loot from Caixa da Brastematic in Gnomeregan.Lista de Músicas: "Montanha Fria" - Can be fished up in Forlorn Cavern, Ironforge.Rolo de Música: Dragoleta - Looted from Ninho de Dragoleta during the Plati-fada event in Tirisfal Glades.Lista de Músicas: "Lamento dos Altaneiros" - Looted from Caixa-forte de Sylvana next to her in Undercity.Lista de Músicas: "A Ruptura" - Chance to loot from Deathwing's Fragmento de Elemêntio, last encounter of Dragon Soul.Lista de Músicas: "Magia" - Looted from Bolsa da Sentinela Perdida in a huge tree-trunk, west of Raynewood Retreat, Ashenvale.Lista de Músicas: "Montanhas" - Looted from Suprimentos Congelados at the base of a tower east of Owl Wing Thicket, Winterspring.Rolo de Música: Ilha Shalandis - Looted from Relicário da Alta-sacerdotisa front of Tyrande Murmuréolo in the Temple of the Moon, Darnassus.Lista de Músicas: "Maldição dos Worgens".For this last part of the achievement you need to collect all available music rolls (31 pieces) listed below.Ĭity music (automatically given for introductory quest):

Wowhead full discography